Ása Sigrúnardóttir
Ása is an Icelandic dancer and performer. At 11 years old she started dancing the style of jazz. Couple of years later she obtained a contemporary dance foundation degree from the dance school Danslistarskóli JSB. There she trained in several styles such as ballet, contemporary, jazz, commercial and choreography. In 2020 she started her bachelor’s dance degree at Institute of the Arts Barcelona. In her studies she did repertoire by Guy Nader and Maria Campos(ES), Jesús Rubio Gamo(ES), Lisard Tranis(ES), Clémentine Télesfort(FR) and Léa Tirabasso(FR). In her last year she then choreographed a solo named Uppreisn which was chosen from her class to be performed in the show Momentos. After graduating with a honours degree in June 2023, Ása is currently a member of SUB.LAB.PRO The Ensemble Program..
Ása enjoys the way dance pushes her body to limits and unlocks new qualities and physicalities within itself. Exploring has always been a part of her, especially how the body responds to different genres of music; how it can isolate, bounce or groove to different tempos. “Each day we are different and that is why the exploration can be endless”. Having learnt many different styles of dance it has made her realize dance is without borders. It is the feeling and space that drives the movement, with honesty and constantly allows her to evolve as an artist.