Emese Cuhorka
Since I was born, I have been preparing for a normal life, but finally I ended up graduating from the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy in 2011. What gave me joy in movement as a child is the same now, the opportunity to find something. Something new for myself and others. But living as a professional artist has opened up my true possibilities which are beyond my comfort zone and even beyond my culture. The approach of Adrienn Hód to movement, dance, body and personality since 2007, researching the humour of movement and human relationships without talking about it with László Fülöp since 2009, the reinterpretations of sub-cultures with Csaba Molnár since 2014, have all had a deep impact on me. These creative processes gave me the strength to believe that a performance can create its authentic complexity if it is not the revelation of a great genius, but a joint work in which the personal universes teasing, stimulating, blocking, complementing each other, and interfere, so that everyone can take full responsibility to call down the creative force which we named: Czá.
I have been working with Hodworks for 14 years, three of our pieces have been selected into the Aerowaves priority companies (Basse danse, Dawn, Conditions of being a mortal). And other two with László Fülöp (Your Mother At My Door) and with Csaba Molnár (Masterwork) was also selected in the 20 most pre-eminent productions by Aerowaves. Six pieces that I collaborated in have earned the Hungarian Rudolf Laban Award.
I like to be bad and I like to be good, I like not knowing anything, I like fresh eyes, I like to forget who I am, I like to build castles out of shit, to be ready, not to miss the moment that is waiting to be filled. I enjoy working with the machinery of the theater and its main tools like emotions, physicality, and body. I enjoy questioning the role of the dancer, who becomes the main tool in this entertaining business, when viewed from an outside perspective. I love how the perception of dance, movement, and the connections of bodies obscures the realm of precise concepts.
I love dance very much.