Máté Mészáros – Cells within cells

The performance is a choreographic study of the organisation of movement, more commonly known as dance. The performance draws the attention of the audience to the aesthetics and symmetry of the dancing bodies and the patterns created in space.

SUB.LAB.PRO’s 10 dancers, in close collaboration with the choreographer, talk and dance. Showcasing a wide range of physical abilities, the performers take a stance on the role of dance in their personal lives and its necessity in their collective future.

The theme of the performance is pure dance. The performance does not deal with political, moral or aesthetic problems, as the creators most sincerely wish.

Creators: Axelle Sechao, Ása Sigrúnardóttír, Boris Charrion, Elisa Picq, Emma Delvac, Inés Grima, Mar Serra Matrí, Melén Constant, Michela Centon, Nerya Zahavi
Light: Dezsi Kata
Assistant: Nóra Horváth
Producer: SUB.LAB Event Productions
Partners: Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Workshop Foundation, Sín Arts Centre
Conception, choreography: Máté Mészáros