Jázmin Weber
is a 20-years-old dancer from Budapest, Hungary. Her first encounters with movement and art come from a background of figure skating. Later on Jázmin changed ice to stage and joined Madách Dance School where she trained in several forms of dance techniques and gained important stage experience during the Hungarian ‘Cats’ the musical at the age of 17. After her graduation in 2021 she found herself pulled more towards the field of contemporary dance and performing arts. Currently she is a member of SUB.LAB.PRO The Ensemble Program.
For Jázmin, open-mindedness is one of the most important things, that is why she believes that contemporary dance is the perfect scene for self-expression. Her past in figure skating has taught her a lot about hard-working and humility which add a great value in her work ethics and collaboration skills. In the future she would like to share her artistry in the Hungarian theater as well as abroad while evolving as an artist.